Adsterra & Monetag Ads Setup. Earn Money Challenge Class 02

In the rapidly evolving digital age, the internet has opened up countless opportunities for individuals to earn money online. Whether you’re looking to supplement your income, pursue a side hustle, or even transition to a full-time online career, the possibilities are vast. To embark on this exciting journey, we present the “Earn Money Online: 31-Day Challenge.” This series of articles will guide you through different strategies and platforms, providing a step-by-step approach to help you achieve your financial goals.

Before we start our 2nd class of 31 days money-earning challenge. We need to understand something:

What is Ads?

“Ads” is a shortened form of “advertisements.” Ads are promotional messages or content created by businesses, organizations, or individuals to promote a product, service, idea, or brand. The primary goal of advertising is to reach a target audience and persuade or influence them to take a particular action, such as purchasing a product, subscribing to a service, or adopting a certain behavior. Now see our ads network to earn money.

What is Adsterra?

Adsterra is an advertising network that connects advertisers with publishers. Adsterra offers a platform for publishers to monetize their websites or applications by displaying various types of advertisements, including display ads, popunders, and direct links. Advertisers, on the other hand, can use Adsterra to reach a wide audience across different websites and apps.

What is Monetag?

Monetag also is an advertising network like Adsterra. It offers a platform for publishers to monetize their websites or applications by displaying various types of advertisements, including display ads, popunders, and direct links. Advertisers, on the other hand, can use Adsterra to reach a wide audience across different websites and apps.

Now watch this video to complete our 2nd class of earning-money challenge.

YouTube Video:

Open Blogger Website:

Create Adsterra Account:

Create Monetag Account:

Copy this code:

1st Class of This challenge here:

Embarking on the “Earn Money Online: 31-Day Challenge” is an exciting and empowering journey. Through self-reflection, exploration of various online opportunities, and consistent effort, you can build a diverse and sustainable income stream. Stay tuned for Part 03 of the challenge, where we’ll explore more advanced strategies and opportunities to further enhance your online earning potential.

14 thoughts on “Adsterra & Monetag Ads Setup. Earn Money Challenge Class 02”

  1. স্যার, প্রত্যেকদিন 5টি করে নতুন পোস্ট দিতে হবে কীনা বুঝালাম না দয়া করে জানাবেন

    • আপনার Blog Website এ ৩০ টি পোস্ট করবেন। এবং তা Yo,fan এ add করবেন। ক্লাশের ভিডিও মনোযোগ দিয়ে দেখুন।

  2. Yo fan needed 30 posts (5 posts for 6 days), can I use Exblog instead of yofan?? I heard of that exblog don’t need to have that criteria as yofan have.. please reply , thanks


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